

用开源的Stable DIffusion加一些调优好的模型,以及通过一些提示词,你也可以生成非常逼真的,可以骗过真人眼睛的人。以后可能也不需要模特了,直接用AI来做模特就可以了,场景和细节都是自己来通过“咒语”生成的,全靠自己的想象力。

用开源的Stable DIffusion加一些调优好的模型,以及通过一些提示词,你也可以生成非常逼真的,可以骗过真人眼睛的人。以后可能也不需要模特了,直接用AI来做模特就可以了,场景和细节都是自己来通过“咒语”生成的,全靠自己的想象力。

提示词:(RAW photo, best quality), (realistic, photo-realistic:1.2),1girl, on the beach, mini skirt, (shirt), outdoor, smile, (high detailed skin:1.4), soft lighting, high quality,fair skin, looking at viewer, straight-on,full body,depth of field,colorful startrails,gothic architecture,photorealistic,oil painting (medium) ,solo,long_hair,grey_hair_grey_eyes,eye contact,standing

否定词:ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, ((monochrome)), (grayscale:1.2), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, glans,extra fingers,fewer fingers,(watermark:1.2),(letters:1.2),(nsfw:1.2),teeth,mole, (mutated hands and fingers:1.5 ), (long body :1.3), (mutation, poorly drawn :1.2) ,blurred,one hand with more than 5 fingers,one hand with less than 5 fingers,one hand with more than 5 digit,one hand with less than 5 digit,more than two shoes,different nipples,more than 1 left hand,more than 1 right hand,more than 2 thighs,more than 2 legs,worst quality,low quality,normal

